Friday, August 21, 2009


Ah! School's starting and I'm barely ready for it! I wish I could start in....a million years.


I'm going to East Side High, for the Culinary program. Which is awesome....the only problem is that they messed up my schedule. I took Alg 1 Honors last year in 8th grade, completed the high school course with all "A's" and then they go and tell me that I'm taking Alg. 1 for 1/2 a semester and then switching over to Geometry. So I was like, that's crazy! And it was even worse when we went to the front office and explained it to the lady and she said, "Oh Lord. I'll be right back, I have to ask someone about this."

So I was freaking out. I knew it would be hard to switch my schedule to where I take geometry because all the freshman have 80 min. periods and the rest of the school doesn't so if I took a class with a 50 min. period everything would be messed up. Confusing, right?

Anyways, the lady called us back and asked my mom if I could be in I.B. - This extremely smart academic program. Ever heard of it? I guess they really wanted me because I remember getting an offer to do it in the mail once and now they were pulling strings to let me do Culinary and I.B., Which isn't allowed under normal circumstances because you aren't allowed to take both magnet programs at the same time. We accepted the offer, I mean how could I say no? It's a great opportunity. And I get to take French. =] Plus in my book.

Now I'm only scared because I don't even know who my teachers are, let alone how I'm going to find my classes on Monday. Good lord this is frightening. And I'm scared I won't be able to keep up my straight "A's". Now I am tremulous..... and sad.

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