Saturday, January 23, 2010

Upcoming B-day

Yep, it's that time of birthday! I gotta get ready to blow out the candles and say hello to 15 years.

Birthday wishes

  1. Since I will be 15, I'll be old enough to have my permit. That would be amazing, me driving. :) I want to take the test. An old friend of mine studied the booklet for only five hours and passed his, so if he could do it then I can too.
  2. Something from that store Alternatives. It doesn't matter what, because I'm obsessed with everything in the store!
  3. To go riding, I haven't gone in forever... :(
  4. A new book.
  5. Sushi
  6. Boxes for gardening and a compost bin.

That's all I want :)

Happy birthday to me!

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