Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Fiddled with cookies in Culinary...well, actually, I was working a different area in the kitchen and just so happened to wander by when the 'experiment' popped out of the oven. It's sugar cookie stuffed with this jam filling. And haha, doesn't the face look like either a Pug, or a Monkey?
Chef Morris thought I was insane.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wants, needs, the general stuff in life.

I'm dieing for some sushi right now.

I'd like to have school end. Forever. Like oh no, it's vanished into oblivion.

And I want to start a journal for the bees, and the garden.
- To document everything that I've grown, all of the harvests, happenings, basic day to day
activities of the hives.

And I think any old journal would work, but it has to be pretty.

I want a picture printer, so I can print out the pictures I really love!

Or maybe I could just journal through blogging???
Eh, too much technology!!!!!
Good Lord.

Oh man, tonight I have like no homework. None, whatsoever. I feel free, totally in bliss right now!
Greek drama festival is over, just took my geometry test, and Biology isn't due for two days!
- GDF = Big Greek acting play production. Very serious. Very stressful, and very fun. I hope I make finals! But then again....even more work if I do, so hope I DON'T make finals.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wild Rabbit

Stella got out, and now she doesn't want to go back in her cage. She's offically our wild rabbit, and even though she's skittish she sticks around our house. In fact, she's becoming way more friendlier now then when she was caged.

So yesterday she was on the porch and followed me all the way into the back, when I was checking out the bees. She hopped circles around me for minutes, and I'm not sure why she was doing it but it was a good laugh for me!

She even played, and cuddled, with Tiger. :) And all the cats, besides Sushi, were out with me, just chilling.

Good times, good times.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Harmony Garden

Is one of my favorite places to go.

I'm not sure, I THINK it's in gainseville, but then again, I am horrible with directions and I pay no attention to where we're at every time we go.

It's this old house they turned into a shop, and they have a ton of land. There's flowers EVERYWHERE. And citrus trees, and row upon rows of tomato and chili and basil.

They have metal racks for vining plants, and cool looking birdhouses that are made from the oddest materials, and honey and soaps that smell great.

Annnnnd, my favorite thing(Well, everything there is my FAVORITE.) is the glass mushroom statues. Cute cute cute!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's day

I found out what I want to get my mom, for the big day.....but I'm scared she won't like it.

And can't say anything on here - There's possibly a chance she might read this.

And I need a ride to go get the goods.....fml. I GOT TO GET IT!!!!!!!!!! I wonder who would be willing to drive

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I was in Culinary the other day, with Bernesia panning potatos.
Of course Chef Morris wanted more rosemarry on them.

Morris. "I want Rosemary! Where is my rosemary?! You're killing me, killing me slowly."

Bernesia. "Heeeey, I know that! From the Fugees, that'e my song, been stuck in my head all day. Killing me sloooowly. Aha."

Me. "What? Fugees....Never heard of them."

Bernesia. "Huh? How can you not hear of - what, man?"

So, I looked them up, google was handy.
And holy fudge this is my group.

The Fugees.
I heart them.
Favorite is probably Ready or Not, and Cowboy.