I'm dieing for some sushi right now.
I'd like to have school end. Forever. Like oh no, it's vanished into oblivion.
And I want to start a journal for the bees, and the garden.
- To document everything that I've grown, all of the harvests, happenings, basic day to day
activities of the hives.
And I think any old journal would work, but it has to be pretty.
I want a picture printer, so I can print out the pictures I really love!
Or maybe I could just journal through blogging???
Eh, too much technology!!!!!
Good Lord.
Oh man, tonight I have like no homework. None, whatsoever. I feel free, totally in bliss right now!
Greek drama festival is over, just took my geometry test, and Biology isn't due for two days!
- GDF = Big Greek acting play production. Very serious. Very stressful, and very fun. I hope I make finals! But then again....even more work if I do, so hope I DON'T make finals.